LSM Alumni

40 Ways to Celebrate LSM’s 40th Anniversary

  1. Add photos to the LSM Archives pages

  2. Apply for a seasonal job or fellowship position at LSM

  3. Ask someone to share their LSM story

  4. Attend the alumni reunion during Festival Week 2022 [link to registration page]

  5. Bring an alumni (or non alumni) friend to the alumni reunion

  6. Call LSM donors to thank them and share your experience [link to a video of Jeanine talking about calling donors, and a brief interest form]

  7. Compose a descant for your instrument/voice part for your favorite hymn from this list

  8. Contact your local church musician or high school teacher and tell them about LSM (click here to download an LSM brochure)

  9. Craft a thank you card to an LSM donor [link to same form/video as call a donor]

  10. Create a birthday fundraiser for LSM on Facebook or other platform

  11. Describe

  12. Direct Thrivent Choice dollars to LSM (for Thrivent members)

  13. Donate $4, $40, $400, or $4,000 to support LSM in many and various ways [include categories for each suggested amount on giving page, i.e. $4 for a piece of sheet music- may need to start at $40]

  14. Download a piece from the LSM Resources page for worship, teaching, or performance

  15. Enable

  16. Encourage

  17. Explore

  18. Find

  19. Follow LSM on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

  20. Fund

  21. Give a hymnal to a student in the church music elective

  22. Guide

  23. Help

  24. Hold

  25. Honor Dr. Carl Schalk with a gift to the Carl Schalk Scholarship Fund or Peter Wessler with a gift to the Peter Wessler Scholarship Fund

  26. Host "An Evening with LSM" in your church or community

  27. Include LSM in your will or estate plan [create a better link]

  28. Invest in the future of LSM by ___

  29. Invite

  30. Learn more about our staff, board of directors, and advisory council

  31. Match

  32. Nominate a student from your church or community

  33. Order a copy of Luther's Morning Prayer for an LSM student with a gift of $5

  34. Perform with the virtual alumni hymn for the LSM 2021 Hymn Festival

  35. Plan

  36. Play

  37. Pray for the LSM community [link to pdf of prayers Chad puts together]

  38. Provide a full scholarship for an LSM student [link to donation page with a $2,495 gift]

  39. Record

  40. Reflect on your LSM experience and share it with other alumni [they can email Jeanine if interested, put at the top of the page]

  41. Register

  42. Remember

  43. Reserve your commemorative LSM anniversary mug

  44. Send a child, grandchild, niece, nephew or other family member to LSM [link to nominate form]

  45. Serve communion at the 2022 Festival Worship Service

  46. Share a performance or teaching tip from the LSM YouTube channel

  47. Sing in the alumni virtual choir

  48. Sponsor a student

  49. Suggest a church musician, pastor, or teacher who you would like to be connected with LSM

  50. Support

  51. Text 40for40 to ***** to give $40 to LSM just made that up

  52. Transfer airline miles to LSM for students who need extra assistance with airline travel to LSM

  53. Underwrite an LSM concert or studio

  54. Update your LSM story and contact information in the alumni portal

  55. Write a positive review of LSM on Google or Facebook