Welcome LSM Alumni!

You have a lasting connection to LSM. Each year, alumni reconnect to their transformational LSM experiences by nominating students, donating, volunteering, attending regional events and the summer alumni gathering, and sharing their music and stories with the LSM community. 

We welcome your participation and there are so many ways to get involved. Read below for all of our current initiatives and join us where you feel inspired.

Meet Alumni Director, Eric Sayre

I am thrilled to serve LSM through the important role of Alumni & External Relations Director. As an alum myself (LSM 2004-2005), I know firsthand the transformational power of our community and I strongly value the significant role it can continue to serve in our lives. I am hopeful to amplify the many passionate and diverse voices across our alumni network while working to strengthen our service to our current and future students. I invite you to reach out to me at any time. I love being a part of this community and would relish the opportunity to connect with all of you.

Connect with Eric via email @ esayre@lutheransummermusic.org

Stay Involved with LSM

Alumni Spotlight

LSM highlights the lives of our alumni through weekly social media posts. You are invited to participate and join the over 50 alumni who have already been featured.

Nominate a Student

Share your experience and spread the joy of LSM with potential students. The primary way that young musicians hear about LSM is through people like you!

Explore the Archives

View past programs, student, staff, and faculty lists, photos, worship bulletins, and publicity materials from every year of LSM. Video archives available starting 2021.

2024 Summer Gathering

July 25-28—You will always have a home at LSM. Join us for a joyful weekend of concerts, fellowship, and fun! Registration opens February 1.

Alumni Facebook Group

Join this private group open to all LSM alumni. Reconnect with fellow LSM students from over 40 years.

Join a Task Force

Help shape the future of LSM through project-oriented volunteer groups that are open to all LSM alumni.

Support LSM

Join the hundreds of alumni who give to ensure that LSM can continue to serve students through faith and music.

Update Your Information

Update your contact information so you don't miss any exciting updates.

Advisory Council Task Forces

The LSM Advisory Council's purpose is to:

  • provide advocacy and support for the mission of LSM

  • support LSM operations and initiatives through specific Task Forces

  • advise the Board of Directors

The Advisory Council forms task forces to work on specific projects or initiatives. Task forces are open to all LSM alumni, and we’re always looking for volunteers to serve on current or future task forces. To join a task force, contact LSM Alumni Manager Eric Sayre.

Current Task Forces:

  • Congregation Engagement: grow LSM connections with congregations around the country. In 2021, this task force led a nationwide LSM Sunday initiative.

  • Alumni Engagement: plan and execute alumni engagement initiatives, including virtual and in-person events, and help create meaningful ways to continue life-long involvement for LSM alumni

  • Development/Fundraising: partner with staff on creative fundraising initiatives, and help thank people who already support LSM

  • Recruitment/Admissions: help connect with potential “LSM Recommenders” (such as church musicians, teachers, youth directors, LSM alumni, etc.) to encourage student nominations and serve as ambassadors to prospective students and families

Learn more about LSM’s history and leadership >