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Our goal is to assist all qualified students so they are financially able to attend the LSM. We do our best to give you the highest assistance possible within our means.

Knowing that some students will be doing outside fundraising, we want to provide you with some helpful ideas to support your efforts. By resourcing locally, past LSM students have raised funds above and beyond what was needed to make LSM financially possible.


Here are some ideas to get you started

  • Church Groups – Adult choirs and women's groups are often very excited to support a young musician. Meet with the director/leader and offer to play or talk about LSM to the group.
  • Local Civic Organizations – Area Rotary, Lions Clubs or other civic groups may have discretionary funds to help your efforts. If they choose to support you, offer to perform a recital and speak about your LSM experience when you return home as a thank you.
  • School Music Boosters – School music departments and/or parent music boosters often have money set aside to help students attend summer music programs. Check with your teacher if this is available.
  • Local Music Clubs/Ensembles – Local music clubs or ensembles, such as youth orchestras or adult community bands, may have scholarships for youth to attend summer music programs.
  • Give a Benefit Recital – Put on a recital by yourself or with a friend who also wants to go to LSM and ask for donations. You may also be able to do this as part of Sunday morning worship services, with the day's offering going toward your attendance. Meet with the Senior Pastor and Church Music Director to start the planning process.
  • Perform for Church Events – Offer to play at weddings, funerals or other special events taking place in your congregation. Speak with your Church Music Director or Senior Pastor about getting in touch with people who might want you to perform.
  • Create a Twist on Traditional Fundraising Ideas – Hold a "classical car wash" by inviting classic car enthusiasts to a car wash. You could even play classical music!

Get Started TODAY & please call us if you need support!


How to Ask for Tuition Help in Your Community

  • Tell your audience about yourself (what instrument you play, how long you’ve been playing, why you enjoy being a musician, etc.).
  • Explain a little bit about LSM and distribute some brochures.
  • State why you want to attend LSM and what you’re most excited about.
  • Tell them your fundraising goals and request their financial support.

Remember, be polite, friendly and enthusiastic! When people hear you are working hard to reach such an exciting goal, they will be more likely to help you.