LSM will support fundraising efforts for Full Session students, by contributing up to $500 as a 50% match toward funds raised. You fundraise through the year – and after May 15, we’ll pitch in with a 50% match (up to $500 from LSM) to funds you raise through your LSM-created crowdfunding page, or other contributions from organizations, churches, or individuals.

Funds eligible for the LSM match include:

  • Contributions from churches, organizations, businesses or other institutions

  • Contributions from individuals, submitted via check, or online through an LSM-hosted fundraising page

  • Contributions by check must be made out to “Lutheran Summer Music” with the student’s name and “Match Funds” in the memo line.

Match-eligible funds are due by May 15. Note: if after fundraising, your balance is less than $500, LSM will simply cover the remaining balance.

Please fill out the form below to alert LSM to your fundraising efforts!