COVID-19 and LSM 2020

April 15, 2020

In the past week, the LSM staff has benefited greatly from meeting with the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, and LSM 2020 Faculty to discuss contingency for LSM 2020 in light of COVID-19.  We are encouraged by the support and dedication from all of these individuals as we navigate an unprecedented time in our history.  We are in close contact with Valparaiso University, who are making adjustments based on recommendations from the CDC and the Governor of Indiana.  You can view their campus safety updates HERE

The health and safety of the LSM community is our first priority, and the primary focus of our many conversations with our constituents.   As we take in more information each day, we expect more clarity in the coming weeks to know for certain whether LSM 2020 can safely occur as planned.  In the meantime, we are available by phone and email to answer any questions, and look forward to our continued connection with you. 

April 7, 2020

Our continued prayers extend to all in the LSM Community this week, especially to church musicians, clergy, and lay leaders guiding their congregations in Holy Week observances while physically apart from one another. We hope you all stay well and can connect in a meaningful way.

As we consider this summer, which will quickly approach, the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors is always our first priority. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 crisis and following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other government and public health organizations.

LSM Staff are (virtually) convening this week with other LSM leadership groups, including Faculty, Board of Directors, and Advisory Council to consider all viable possibilities for LSM 2020, and will continue to update the LSM community as adjustments are made.

March 31, 2020

As the planning continues for LSM 2020, we are encouraged by the enthusiasm of students applying for LSM, our faculty making exciting preparations, and the continued support of the greater LSM community. As of today (March 31), LSM 2020 is proceeding as scheduled, and we will continue updating the LSM community regularly with adjustments based on recommendations from public health organizations.

The LSM staff is currently working remotely in accordance with safer-at-home recommendations, and are available by phone and email for questions and conversations about LSM and plans for the coming summer.

If you are looking for more ways to stay connected with LSM, you can Contact us, Apply for LSM, and Make a Donation online, as well as follow us on Facebook.

March 23, 2020

In this evolving situation, we want to make it as risk-free as possible for student and families to plan on LSM 2020.  For this reason, we are taking the following steps to make sure the doors are open wide for students who are looking for a fulfilling summer making music at LSM:

  • Application fees are waived until April 15th

  • The initial tuition deposit of $350 will not be due until May 15th

  • Piano accompaniment is NOT required for the recorded audition, and if a student cannot access their instrument at this time, their audition deadline will be extended.

  • In the event that LSM 2020 cannot take place due to extended COVID-19 precautions, a full refund including application fee and deposit will be provided as one of several options for enrolled students.  The LSM community would be notified no later than June 1st if this is the case. 

March 13, 2020

We want to update the LSM community and address any questions or concerns stemming from the spread of COVID-19. The health and wellness of the entire LSM community is our top priority and is the primary consideration as we prepare for LSM 2020. We understand this is a dynamic situation and are closely monitoring the spread of the virus day by day.  At this time, we expect that LSM 2020 will take place as planned and will take preparatory measures to ensure the health of our students, faculty, staff, and guests on campus. In addition to a full time Health Counselor on our staff, we are forming a task force of staff members on campus to prepare, monitor, and respond to any health concerns that arise due to COVID-19. 

We are in close conversation with Valparaiso University, who have moved their classes online for the remainder of the spring semester in order to keep their campus healthy. Valparaiso University officials are optimistic that this will not affect LSM’s residency on campus this summer. LSM and Valparaiso University are in regular communication and will keep you informed of any further developments. 

LSM continues to stay informed through the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization for best practices surrounding the COVID-19 virus. We are in full support of our colleagues in music and church work who are being faced with difficult decisions to keep their communities healthy, and keep in our prayers all who are affected by the virus.  

For almost 40 years, LSM has been a transformational and essential experience for young musicians that nurtures the entire student through practicing music, faith, and community building. During this exceptional time, we will take all measures necessary to prioritize complete student well-being this summer.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any specific questions at:


Meet the LSM Advisory Council


LSM Christmas Letter 2019