Lutheran Summer Music 2020 Canceled

An open letter to the LSM Community from the Executive and Artistic Director

April 29, 2020

Dear Friends,

Like you, I’ve been eagerly anticipating and planning for LSM 2020, with the hope that the current COVID-19 pandemic would subdue and we’d be able to gather this summer and join together in song. However, with the health and safety of our community as our top priority, today I’ve decided to cancel Lutheran Summer Music 2020 in response to the circumstances of the current COVID-19 crisis. This decision was not made lightly, and only after substantial conversations with the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, LSM faculty, and Valparaiso University leadership, as well as current guidelines from the CDC and the State of Indiana.

No doubt this news is as devastating to you as it is to me. Never has the importance of LSM been more apparent. Young musicians hone their gifts and meet the people who will be their colleagues, friends, and peers for a lifetime. This transformational experience has already shaped thousands of lives, people who are now in their communities serving others during this time of uncertainty.

Because of your unwavering care, support, and enthusiasm, I’m optimistic that LSM will remain strong and we look forward to 2021 when we celebrate our 40th anniversary.

Save the Date: LSM Celebrates 40 Years!

LSM 2021

June 27-July 25

Valparaiso University

LSM Group Photo 2019.jpg


To our LSM 2020 students and families: whether this would have been your first time or your fifth time at LSM, we’ve been looking forward to welcoming you and seeing you build an incredible community together. You have already received an email from our Admissions Director Kristina Rodel Sorum this morning. Kristina will also be following up with you personally in the next several days on how you can be sure to join us for our 40th anniversary year in 2021, tuition options, and how to remain connected to our esteemed faculty and this special community in the meantime. While you are the ones suffering the greatest loss this summer, we hope you take comfort looking ahead to LSM 2021, which will be a more joyous reunion than ever.


To the hundreds of donors who have supported student scholarships, sponsored students, underwritten concerts, and contributed to general operations, thank you. Your support means that LSM will weather this global pandemic and be here to encourage young people to pursue transformational lives for another 40 years. We will be in touch regarding the implications of gifts already made in support of LSM 2020.

Thank you to the multitude of LSM alumni, teachers, church musicians, pastors, and all who have encouraged a young musician in your life to choose LSM. We are immensely grateful for your advocacy, and look forward to your continued support as students and families already plan for LSM 2021. 


While the transformational elements of LSM can’t be distilled into a digital format, we look forward to utilizing our social media platforms and email updates to stay connected with the greater LSM community with uplifting content from faculty, alumni, and current students throughout the summer.

Hope for the Future

As we look to LSM 2021 and our 40th anniversary, plans are already taking shape to bring even more people together to join, and return to, the LSM community. We anticipate record interest and enrollment for LSM 2021 building on the tremendous growth of the past few years. Three ways you can help in the coming days:

  1. Nominate a student for 2021

  2. Support LSM to keep it accessible for all students next year and in years to follow

  3. Plan to join us for LSM 2021 Festival Week

The outpouring of love and enthusiasm for LSM has been extraordinary. Thank you to our LSM 2020 families, faculty, and staff for their patience during a time of uncertainty and our community for their unwavering support. 

Stay well,

Thomas Bandar, Executive and Artistic Director


LSM Digital Highlight Reel: Volume 1


Meet the LSM Advisory Council