LSM 2021 Modifications and Safety Plan

LSM 2021 at Valparaiso University: Modifications and Safety Plan  

Updated: June 9, 2021

We look forward to welcoming the LSM community back to campus in 2021!  In close collaboration with Valparaiso University, LSM is moving forward with a modified on-campus program.  Below you will find the most current modification plan for keeping our students, faculty, and staff safe this summer as we make a joyful and long-awaited return to live music and fellowship together.  

Valparaiso University Vaccination Requirement  

Recent Valparaiso University policy dictates that participants 16 years of age and older must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by the time of their arrival on campus.   

  • This requirements applies to participants who will be age 16 or older by May 23, 2021.

  • Participants should receive their final vaccine dose by June 14, 2021, to allow fullest possible immunity to set in by June 27th.

  • Exemptions will be considered only for appropriately documented* medical or religious reasons, or for persons ineligible for a vaccination due to a recent COVID-19 diagnosis and recovery.

  • Students 15 years of age and younger do NOT need to be vaccinated in order to attend, but must follow all Personal Health and Safety protocols (below).

We recognize that this requirement is an unexpected condition to our residence on campus and that it may challenge or alter a student’s ability or comfort in participating in the on-campus program. We remain committed to welcoming every student into the LSM Community. For this reason, we will now offer the online LSM Remote Session on a pay-what-you-can scale, to allow any student who cannot come to campus to meaningfully engage in the LSM experience.

*Contact to inquire about necessary documentation.

Personal Health and Safety Before and During LSM 

  • Unvaccinated individuals will be required to take a COVID-19 test within 7 days of arrival on campus. If a student does not have access to a test before arrival, please contact LSM to discuss accommodations.

  • Brief daily wellness checks will be conducted by the entire community to identify any symptoms of illness. 

  • Valparaiso University will provide COVID-19 testing resources as needed should symptoms or suspected exposure occur.  


Updated June 9 2021 in alignment with recent adjustments to Valparaiso University policy

  • Masks are required indoors, but will be optional for those who are vaccinated when:

    • In lessons, a studio, or a practice room

    • In chamber music rehearsals or classes

    • In a residence hall

    • When performing/leading worship

  • LSM will provide instrument-friendly masks and bell covers for wind players, as well as masks specifically for singers. If you would like to know more about mask use and instrument covers, feel free to view this webinar hosted by our Band Director, Dr. Jeff Doebler! 

  • Masks remain required outdoors on campus for unvaccinated individuals, but are optional outdoors for vaccinated individuals.

LSM employs a full time Health Counselor who will guide our wellness checks, administer all student medications, and act as a resource to students at all times. The Health Counselor will serve as a liaison for families with any concerns about their student’s health and wellness during LSM.

These protocols will be followed by all student and adult LSM community members.

Each LSM Community member will be required to abide by a Community Covenant to commit to our care for ourselves and one another. 


Program and Residency Modifications 

  • Student enrollment will be limited to 100 total students to allow appropriate boundaries and abide by capacity requirements at Valparaiso University.  

  • Student dorm rooms will be single occupancy.  

  • Covered outdoor spaces will be the primary location for rehearsals, worship services, and student activities.  Large, well-ventilated indoor spaces will also be used.  Physical distancing will be maintained in every rehearsal space.  

  • For all musical activities, indoor or outdoor, current best practices in music instruction and performance will be followed including distancing, shortened rehearsal intervals, and time for aerosols to clear. 

  • Dining spaces will be available both indoors and outdoors, with seating clearly marked at a lower capacity per table.   

  • Any shared equipment, such as pianos or music stands, will be sanitized between uses. 

Closed Campus Policy 

  • Once students arrive on campus, they will remain within our community for the duration of LSM.  The only exception is for medical emergencies that require a visit to the clinic or hospital.  

  • Current policies at Valparaiso University limit indoor gatherings to 50 people and outdoor gatherings to 150 people.  Due to the size of our on-campus community, no guests or audiences will be permitted on campus during LSM*.  Each performance will either be recorded in advance and premiered for our nationwide audience or livestreamed to watch in real time and archived for later viewing and posterity.  

    • Families dropping off and picking up their students from LSM on June 27, July 11, and July 25 are the exceptions to this regulation*


Application deadline extended to May 31st!


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