The Impactful Gift of LSM

Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) is the nation’s premier faith-based music academy for high school students. Since 1981, this unique and immersive program has helped students develop an appreciation for the outstanding music that becomes an integral part of their life’s journey.

The value of the LSM experience and its transformational impact are immeasurable. LSM is committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of their financial circumstances, can be part of the transformational community of music and faith. And thanks to the support of generous alumni-donors such as Leigh-Anne Hemenway Pou, Dr. David Shaw, and Paul Georgeson, the hope of making the academy and festival affordable to all is becoming a reality.

Leigh-Anne Hemenway Pou

Leigh-Anne, a young mother of three, first attended LSM in 2002 as a sophomore in high-school. A voice student from Florida, her youth director advised her to attend LSM as she had a knack for choir. Says Leigh-Anne, “I had no idea what LSM was prior to my first summer, but when I arrived my world was blown wide-open! LSM was different than any other summer program I had attended, and I made wonderful friends, gained confidence, and my love for music was nurtured in a way I had never experienced before.”

Attending LSM for a total of five summers, three as a student and two as an intern, Leigh-Anne could not wait to go back each year. Some of her greatest friendships developed in the LSM community, and the college preparation obtained from LSM’s nationally recognized faculty helped her feel ready step out into the world post-high school on her own.

Leigh-Anne’s life-changing experience at LSM continues to have an impact on her today, and as such she wanted to make sure others could experience the academy and festival as well. “LSM was an extremely important time in my life,” shares Leigh-Anne. “My parents took advantage of scholarships for me to attend, and in turn I want to make sure others also have the opportunity to participate. I choose to give to LSM to pay it forward, and make sure the invaluable experience is offered to all deserving students.

Dr. David Shaw

David, a primary care physician from St. Louis, MO, attended LSM the summers of ‘84, ’85, and ’86. A French horn player, he participated in both band and orchestra, and also sang in the choir. Says David, “The two things I loved the most about LSM were the music and the people. My high school years were a difficult time for me, but LSM was one of the best experiences I had. It was truly outstanding.”

While David did not continue his musical endeavors at college, his passion for music was cemented during his three years at LSM. For that, he is forever grateful.

“I may not have continued on in music, but I can tell you that during my three summers at LSM I can’t find one negative thing to say about my experience…. which says a lot, coming from a teenager’s perspective,” laughed David. “I donate to LSM today because I feel it’s worthwhile to pass on the favor of an amazing opportunity to someone who may otherwise not be able to attend.

Paul Georgeson

Paul, a project engineer from Seattle, WA, spent eight summers with LSM. He sang in the choirs as a student from 2008-2010, served as an intern in 2012 and 2013, and was a counselor 2014-2016. Paul thoroughly enjoyed his time at the academy and festival and looked forward to it every year.

Encouraged to first attend LSM by the youth choir director at his church, Phinney Ridge Lutheran in Seattle, Paul found his experience life-altering. “I was at a place in my life where I could have gone down two paths—music, or drugs,” explains Paul. “LSM met me where I was at and gave me an identity. And the LSM community provided the greatest friendships when I needed them the most. I look back at my time fondly, knowing it sent me on the path to success.”

Paul continued on to obtain his undergraduate and masters degrees in music, and today he serves as the part-time youth choir director at Phinney Ridge Lutheran where he helps send other students to LSM. Says Paul, “I financially give to LSM because I would not be where I am today in my life without it, plain and simple. LSM is invigorating as everyone wants to perform at a high-level, and I grew exponentially as an independent person and musician. My hope is for others to experience this amazing, life-altering community.”

The transformational experience of LSM that Leigh-Anne, David, and Paul found are only three of countless other individuals who credit their time at the academy and festival with guiding their lives as young musicians and the starting place for their future careers and vocations.

Thank you to all our donors who make an impact on the LSM community. Your gift ensures that ALL students, regardless of their financial circumstances, are able to confidently dedicate time to building genuine relationships, pursue excellence in music, search for meaning, explore vocations, prepare for college and young adulthood, and obtain a sense of belonging and renewed faith.


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Dr. Zebulon Highben to Conduct the 2022 Alumni Choir