MaryLynn Mennicke appointed LSM Dean and Director of Admissions

LSM is thrilled to announce the appointment of MaryLynn Mennicke (LSM 2001-2005) to the new role of Dean and Director of Admissions. MaryLynn will be the primary advocate for LSM to students, families, and the many people who champion LSM throughout the year including teachers, alumni, church musicians, and others. MaryLynn will lead LSM’s strategy, management, and growth of the LSM admissions pipeline, student enrollment process, and overall student experience that surrounds the LSM summer program.

MaryLynn Mennicke comes to LSM with over a decade of experience as a musician, theatre artist, and communications specialist. Most recently, she has worked at The National Theatre for Children, leading communications outreach and facilitating educational programs at K-12 schools nationwide. A singer and choir director, she also previously served as the Director of Music at Peace Lutheran Church in Bloomington, MN, and since 2019 has worked as a freelance church musician. As an LSM alum, she has experienced firsthand the profound impact of the beautiful community that is Lutheran Summer Music, and she is excited to invite new students to join in the fun!

Of her appointment, MaryLynn shares: “I am overjoyed to rejoin the LSM community in this role. Like so many LSM alumni, I will attest that LSM has had a profound and lasting impact on my life — socially, musically, spiritually. I look back on my LSM summers as some of the happiest times of my life. This is a place you can find your people, grow your passions, and be welcomed as part of an affirming community that connects through music and faith. I can't wait to spread the word and invite new students to become part of this truly special and life-giving community.”

Executive and Artistic Director Thomas Bandar is enthusiastic about MaryLynn's appointment: “MaryLynn will be a strong advocate for LSM, guiding many students and families to the program. Her vast experience both as an LSM alum and as an education leader will provide tremendous value for the entire LSM community. I’m thrilled to welcome her back to LSM in this new role!”

You may contact MaryLynn at


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2021 LSM Yearbook