ALCM Partnership
“A highlight at the Valparaiso conference was to experience the hymn festival along with the students who were participants of Lutheran Summer Music. What a blessing to see, hear, and sing with these young people. ”
“From Generation to Generation”
Mentorship Program for Young Lutheran Musicians.
Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) is proud to partner with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) to launch a new program which will promote the continued growth of young musicians and their passion for church music and encourage practical application of the skills learned at LSM. Under the mentorship of an ALCM member, high school musicians (all band/orchestra instruments, piano, organ, and all voice types) are invited to participate in the Lutheran Musicians Mentorship Program.
How to get involved
1. The program can start in one of two ways:
An ALCM member can nominate a young musician (or 2 or 3) from their congregation
A young musician can speak with their music director about this opportunity. If there is not a music director at your congregation, contact us for help in identifying a mentor from a nearby congregation
2. Students and the ALCM member at their congregation (or neighboring congregation) agree to take part in this program before, during, or immediately after LSM. Once the agreement is made, the student should notify LSM ( Participating students will be granted a one-year complimentary membership to ALCM.
3. Upon returning home from LSM, the student and ALCM mentor meet to discuss the LSM experience and map out the year-long mentorship program. Together you design the ways in which you will contribute to your congregation, further your learning from LSM, and promote music and liturgy to others. Your co-designed program should instill your enthusiasm from LSM into your congregation through a variety of projects and interactions with others. You should have opportunities to share and further develop your musical gifts as well as continue to learn about liturgical and worship planning. Your multi-point program should include elements from the following categories:
a. Musical Leadership
b. Liturgical or Worship Planning
c. Advocacy
Examples of program elements could include, but are not limited to:
Play for worship services
Accompany choirs
Lead congregational singing during worship services
Conduct 1-2 selections with a choir or other ensemble
Lead choir sectionals
Organize a small ensemble to play for worship services
Assist in hymn selections
Assist in choir or instrumental music selections
Compose psalm settings, descants, or other liturgical music
Introduce your instrument/voice to younger children
Attend worship planning meetings
Assist with choir or instrumental ensemble recruitment
Distribute, collect, and care for sheet music or auxiliary instruments
Introduce the congregation to LSM experiences, such as Luther’s Morning Prayer, the service of Evening Prayer, and youth-driven worship services.
Write articles or short pieces for bulletins and/or newsletters
Share your experience with Synod/District leaders through written articles and testimonies
Play for Synod/District events and/or worship services
Plan, organize, and present a recital at your congregation
Throughout the academic year, implement your agreed upon program. The student and ALCM mentor should meet regularly to discuss your progress and document your work.