A History of LSM

hymn festivals


In homage to the rich Lutheran traditions of well-crafted, formative songs and their expression, LSM has hosted and/or produced a hymn festival each year since its inception with the Chapel Choir playing a large role in leadership.

Click on a year to download a PDF of the program.

1982: Paul Manz >

1983: Walter Pelz >

1984: Donald Busarow >

1985: David Fienen >

1986: Donald Busarow >

1987: Susan Hegberg >

1988: Robert Hobby and Scott Weidler >

1989: Philip Gehring >

1990: William Kuhlman >

1991: Martin Jean >

1992: Martin Jean >

1993: Martin Jean >

1994: Paul Manz >

1995: Martin Jean >

1996: Martin Jean >

1997: If you have a hymn festival program for LSM 1997, please send it to alumni@lutheransummermusic.org.

1998: >

1999: >

2000: >

2001: >

2002: If you have a hymn festival program for LSM 2002, please send it to alumni@lutheransummermusic.org.

2003: >

2004: If you have a hymn festival program for LSM 2004, please send it to alumni@lutheransummermusic.org.

2005: If you have a hymn festival program for LSM 2005, please send it to alumni@lutheransummermusic.org.

2006: >

2007: >

2008: >

2009: >

2010: >

2011: >

2012: >

2013: >

2014: >

2015: >

2016: >

2017: >

2018: >

2019: David Cherwien and the National Lutheran Choir

2020: none held due to COVID-19 global pandemic

2021: >

2022: >

2023: >